Soon the time has come and the Gates for the official release will be opened.
All players who bought the Game before 1 November can already log in from 31 Oktober(12:00 am Mez). For all others it starts on 1 November. If you still don't have an Account you can create one here.
-Fixed issue where lost tamed Animal while Inventory is full. -Fixed a bug where Stats not increase while reaching Statscap. -Add more Stones in Snow area. -Removed Cooldown for Fireball. -The Wool of tamed Sheep now grows and can be shorn. -Tamed Chickens are now laying Eggs. -Reduced received Wood when chopping. -Reduced received Stone when mining. -Reduced received Cotton when harvest.
Update 05.10.2019
-Crafting Items is no longer possible when Inventory is full. -Trash Barrel moved to upper left corner of Screen to prevent delete Items by mistake. -Fixed a Bug where an Anvil could not be equipped in the Quickslot list. -Increase attack range of Plants. -Reduced loot from Gargoyle.
Update 04.10.2019
-Fixed an issue where you didn't get the right Amount when selling an Item. -Dodge now only increase when Player use a Shield. -Increase drop chance of Steedgrass. -Raft despawn in Town is now possible. -Fixed different Building Problems. -Player(A) are no longer able to build a Plot next to Players(B) Plot. -When harvesting growed Plants or Vegetables there is now a chance to get Seeds. -Add Safe to crafting system. A Safe can be placed in your House to get access to your Bank Items.
Update 02.10.2019
-You can no longer lock Strength while under 40. -The Command !Stuck is no longer working while on Raft. -Increase Plot price to 250 Gold. -Rafts can now picked up. -Tooltip correction for TNT. -Tooltip correction for Skill Magery. -Fixed issue where Wood Shield was not craftable. -Fix issue that Enemies walk through Wall (Graveyard). -Reduced crafting time to 2s.
Update 01.10.2019
-Fix showing Damage Message(Log) when Player fighting outside of view. -Fix issue that Fishing on some place was not possible. -Now it is possible to tame Chickens and Sheep.
To stay up to date, why don't you sign up on Discord? Discord is more practical for the fast flow of information. Additionally we will blog all news under the Channel "anncoucement".
Since the Building System will be one of the main features, we have focused on this feature in recent months. We would like to give you an insight into this feature. The player can collect resources all over the world, by cutting down trees, digging stones or harvesting plants. These resources are needed to create certain building elements. Before you can start building, you must buy a plot of land. Then you can build on each individual plot. At the beginning you start with a smaller house, because the resources are not enough for the time being. Later you can destroy the walls to extend the house. There are different types of doors to deny unauthorized access.
There are three main categories for building.
1) Ground: In this category are all elements for the ground, including the Plot.
2) Walls: In this category are all elements for walls, Fences, wosts. Also doors and gates are in it.
3) Roof: In this category are the elements for the roof. The different from other roof elements only in appearance. The purpose of a roof is to prevent other players from looking into the house. As soon as the player is in a house (or under a roof) it becomes invisible.
The fourth category is not directly available in the building system. This includes all items to furnish the house. Say: anvil, furnance, worktable, chairs, plants, pictures and so on. These items can be made, traded with other players or found in Loot. It is also possible to tame animals and then release them on your own property to get wool or food for example.
the closed beta is over. Thank you for all the feedback. Now it's time to make all the improvements and changes.
Soon we will start with an open beta. But the exact date is not known yet. Visit us regularly to stay up to date.
Thank you
--- Deutsch ---
Grüße zukünftige Bürger von Deorum Online.
die closed Beta ist vorbei. Wir bedanken uns für die vielen Feedbacks.Nnun ist es an der Zeit, die vielen Verbesserungen und Änderungen zu machen.
Demnächst werden wir mit einer open Beta starten. Der genaue Termin ist aber nocht nicht bekannt. Besucht uns regelmässig um auf dem neusten Stand zu bleiben.
It's more than 6 months after Alpha release, alot of work and fixes. So it's time to announce our closed Beta. The Server goes public on:
-The whole networkcode is revised. Movement now super fluent and smooth. -We implemented Mounts into Game. -KI revised. -Added more Skills and Abilities. -Skilltrees were added. -House buildingsystem were added. -Added alot of Armor and Weapons
If you have no Account yet. Please Register to te Newsletter. There are multiple waves of accounts we send out.
We will see us ingame.
--- Deutsch ---
Grüße zukünftige Bürger von Deorum Online.
Die Alpha ist nun seit über 6 Monaten vorbei. Dank Euren Feedbacks konnten wir diverse Fehler beheben und haben einige neue Features hinzugefügt. Nun ist es zeit mit der closed Beta zu starten. Der Server geht Online am:
-Der komplette Netzwerkcode wurde überarbeitet. Bewegungen von anderen Spielern und KI sind nun deutlich flüssiger und weicher. -Reittiere wurden ins Spiel integriert. -Die künstliche Intelligenz wurde überarbeitet. -Mehr Skills und Fähigkeiten wurden hinzugefügt. -Skillbäume wurden hinzugefügt. -Haus Bausystem wurde hinzugefügt. -Viele neue Waffen und Rüstungen wurden hinzugefügt.
Falls du noch keinen Account hast. Registriere den Newsletter. Die Accounts werden in mehreren Wellen verschickt.
Deorum Online is growing and growing. If you are interested in this project and would like to support us, please contact us. We are looking for a programmer who has experience in the following topics. C# Java Network coding
We would be happy to hear from you.
--- Deutsch ---
Deorum Online wächst und wächst. Falls du interesse an diesem Projekt hast und uns unterstützen möchtest, melde dich doch bei uns. Wir suchen einen programmierer, welcher erfahrung in folgenden Themen hat.
-Some Bugfixes. -Add Menu to change control settings. -Map Update.
Patchnotes 16.10.17 v1.1.9
-Some Bugfixes.
Patchnotes 10.10.17 v1.1.8
-Add Achievement System (Info Board in Taverne). -Add penalty Tooltip on Weapons And Armors. -Fixed issue where sometimes Fishingspot not working. -Right Mouseclick = Target self (Bandage Heal) -New L 24-32 Area.
Patchnotes 06.10.17 v1.1.7
-Add new Armor Parts. -Add new Quests. -Some Bugfixes.
Patchnotes 03.10.17 v1.1.6
-Add new Potions . -Add new Armor. -Add new Potions to crafting System (Alchemy) . -Add new Item to crafting System (Blacksmithing). -Add Particle Effect to Bushes. -Player cant shoot when in Vanish Mode. -Fixed issue where Treasure loot was duped after relog. -Changed Cheese to Cheesecake. -Cheesecake and Cake is now eatable.
Patchnotes 02.10.17 v1.1.5
-Fixed issue where Tooltip success chance not showed correct. -Fixed some Tooltip issues. -Fixed issue where Gravestone not spawning after Scorpio dies. -Fixed issue where Items in quickslot List was consumed after draging. -Fixed issue where Items or Abilities used when in Chat mode. -Reduced jittering of synchronized Players. -Treasure Maps now are stackable. -When Player is stuffed, he cant eat anymore.
Patchnotes 30.09.17 v1.1.4
-Fixed graphical artifact issue. -Crafting chance now shown correctly. -Fixed issue where Enemies sometimes getting invisible. -Bleeding also reduce movement speed of the opponent. -Update Map. -Add Resurrection Spell to Trainer. -Add Trap Abilitie to Trainer. -When Player is taged as murder then Vendor price surcharge is multiplys 1.2.
Patchnotes 28.09.17 v1.1.3
-Quickslot Items now useable with Mouseclick. -Fixed issue where crafting Button was active but no Item selected. -Add Vendor that sell all Abilities.
Patchnotes 27.09.17 v1.1.2
-Update Arena System. Player dont die when lose. There is also a preparation Room before fight. -Add more Rocks and Bushes. -Add more Monsters -> Drake's and Scorpio's. -Update some Quests. -Reduced gather amount of Trees. -Reduced gather amount of Bushes. -Reduced gather amount of Rocks.
Patchnotes 26.09.17 v1.1.1
-Add new Map Area L20-28. -Add new Monster. -Fixed issue where glow Effect not removed on Rocks when empty. -Reduced attack Range of Enemies. -Increaced chasing Range of Enemies.
Patchnotes 25.09.17 v1.1.0
-Fixed issue where Textures not showed correct in Dungeons. -Axe, Pickaxe and Sickle are Tools and are no more useable for Abilities. -Fixed issue where Player was not able to craft Leather Items. -Tavernkeeper now sell Beer.
Patchnotes 22.09.17 v1.0.9
-Add New Map. -Character Wipe regarding Map change. -Optimized Game Performance. -Add Tooltips for Character Information Window. -Add new Items to Crafting System. -Add Trash Barrel to remove Items.
Patchnotes 17.09.17 v1.0.8
-When Player stay in Tavern, then he has no Nutrition loss. -Bandages now are craftable. -Fixed issue where Player flaged criminal when fighting in Arena. -Fixed issue when Paralyzed a Pet, then showed false Effect. -Fixed issue where Player was not able to craft some Items that are already unlocked. -Player is no more able to heal Enemies. -Meditation and Resting are no longer interrupted when Gravestone is spawning. -Fixed issue where Power Attack and Bleeding dont activate Cooldown.
Patchnotes 16.09.17 v1.0.7
-Fixed issue when selected Fireball and showed as Explosion. -Fixed issue when selected Explosion and showed as Fireball. -Fixed issue where Player was not able to cast Spells on Animals. -Collider are more smooth around Mountains. -Explosion Arrow now has Sound on detonation. -Fixed issue where Healing Spell not gained. -Increased Healing Spell Cooldown. -Increased Healing Spell Amount. -Fixed Max value for Str, Dex, Int where not showed correct. -Fixed issue where Sluggish Arrow was very slow when no getting g Target. -Magic Items can now be found also in lower level loot. -Food and Drink Sound now hearable from other Players. -Decreased Cooldown for consume Food and Drinks. -Minable Rocks has no Particle Glowing effect. -Add Arena in Town.
Patchnotes 15.09.17 v1.0.6
-Fixed Animation issue for synchronized Players. -Fixed Sound issue, where sometimes heard other Players outside Screen range. -Updated some Quests (Most Quest are Placeholders for Alpha). -Increase Amount for Food and Drinks. -Selected Abilities now shown in Quickslot list. -Received Damage Numbers are now showed as white. -Synchronized Impact Sound Fx.
Patchnotes 13.09.17 v1.0.5
-Add Nutrition System . -Increase Amount of Heal Potion . -Increase Amount of Stam Potion . -Increase Amount of Mana Potion . -Fixed issue to select Abilitie while fighting . -Add new Item "Water Bag" . -Bread is now edible . -Decrease Movement speed for walk and sprint . -Bushes now giving Wild Berrys at harvest.
Patchnotes 12.09.17 v1.0.4
-Add PvpTimer -Fix issue for hit chance on Cat. -Fix issue for hit chance on Orc Archer. -Fix issue where Monster run out of Map. -Add more Monsters. -Add more Wildlife. -Add new Weapon.
Patchnotes 09.09.17 v1.0.3
-Fix issue with Projectil movement speed. -Update Item Description. -Update Title System. -Remove Accuracy. -Update some Sounds. -Balanced Skill gain. -Balanced Stat gain.
The first part of the Alpha is over. We were able to collect a lot of information and fix various bugs. Now we continues with various features and updates.
The focus is on the following features:
-Player Housing. -Gardening system.
Furthermore, the network code will be optimized and the AI revised.
We thank you for the many feedbacks. Further information for the next test phase will be announced here.
--- Deutsch ---
Grüße zukünftige Bürger von Deorum Online.
Der erste teil der Alpha ist vorüber. Wir konnten viele Informationen sammel und diverse Fehler beheben. Nun geht es weiter mit diversen Features und Updates.
Im Fokus stehen folgende Features:
-Player Housing. -Gardening System.
desweitern wird der Netzwerk Code optimiert und die KI überarbeitet.
Wir danken euch für die vielen Feedbacks. Weitere Informationen für die nächste Testphase werden hier verkündet.
We have worked hard in the last few Months. Now it is time to go to the Alpha test phase.
It is important for us to receive many Feedback from you. In the Forum you can report all Bugs, Exploits and other Errors, so we can fix these as quickly as possible. Of course, other changes or wishes may be posted.
The Alpha is expected to start in August / September. For more detailed Infos subscribe to the Newsletter. So you can get your access code and the exact start date.
--- Deutsch ---
Grüße zukünftige Bürger von Deorum Online.
Wir haben in den letzten Monaten hart gearbeitet. Nun ist es an der Zeit in die Alpha Testhase hinüber zu gehen.
Uns ist es wichtig das wir viele Feedbacks von euch erhalten. Im Forum könnt ihr alle Bugs, Exploits und sonstige Fehler melden, so das wir diese schnellst möglich beheben können. Natürlich können auch sonstige Änderungen oder Wünsche geposted werden.
Die Alpha startet voraussichtlich im August/September. Für genauere Infos abonniert am besten den Newsletter, so erhaltet ihr auch euren Zugangscode und den genauen Starttermin.